Polka Dot Feather Nails

Being a stay at home Mom is something I'm very fortunate to be able to do. Now that my youngest started Kindergarten this year and my oldest is in Middle School, I have more time to do crafty things during the day.

Last night, I painted my nails with my favorite brand of nail polish Essie and their polish Brooch The Subject. I recently bought some acrylic paints and have always wanted to try hand painting designs on my nails. I have very shaky hands from the meds I take for my ADD but I think they turned out okay! 

I used a soft black acrylic for the feather and dots while I accented them with an acrylic teal glitter. It was my first time using a dotting tool so some of the dots are uneven. What do you think about how they turned out?


Welcome to A Sprinkle of Creativity! Starting in September I will be adding posts of DIY projects I have tried, nail and makeup looks, and anything else I decide to blog about. In the meantime, check out my twitter @RandomAnnie84 and my handmade jewelry page http://www.sprinklewings.com. My store Sprinkle Wings Creations will reopen in September also. I am in the process of creating new handmade jewelry creations and have found a new love for making wreaths which will also be added. I hope to hear from you soon! :o)